Work Oct 16, 2013

Studio Volpi / Design for AUTOSTRADE: Ecomouv'

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Studio Volpi developed the design for the project "Ecomouv '" with Autostrade Tech. This is a solution that allows the collection in value proportional to the distance traveled and the class of vehicles, through satellite technology.

The solution uses the functionality of the Global Satellite Navigation System. The transit is detected when the apparatus detects the passage through the point of charging . The vehicle has to be equipped with an onboard equipment, easy and quick installation, through which the system is able to detect the transit of vehicles along the road network builded to payement. The device has an internal backup battery and can be powered from the cigarette lighter socket, directly from the vehicle battery or external battery alone, as the case required, with 4 different usage profiles for energy management.

Studio Volpi / Design made in Italy